Teaching Activities

Teaching activities at Sorbonne University Chemistry Department

Bachelor of Chemistry
Bachelor year-1. ARE Biominéralisations (LU1SXARE)
Bachelor year-2. Chimie Inorganique dans le Vivant (LU2CI096)
Bachelor year-2. Chimie Inorganique (LU2CI012)
Bachelor year-2. Spectroscopies (LU2CI005)
Bachelor year-3Pro. Panorama des Méthodes de Caractérisation des Matériaux (LU3CI952)
Lecture 1:  1-Introduction-2019
Lecture 2: 2-Absorption-Emission-2019
Lecture 3: 3-UV-visible-2019
Lecture 4: 4-IR-2019

Master of Chemistry
Master year-1. Insertion Professionnelle (MU4CIOI1 P1 & P2)
Master year-2. Material Surfaces at the BioInterfaces (MU5CI013)

Master of Physics SMNO
Master year-2. Non-crystalline Solids and Nanomineralogy (MU5PYM13, Physics Department)
NMR and Biomin – Part 1
NMR and Biomin – Part 2
NMR and Biomin – Part 3
NMR and Biomin – Part 4
NMR and Biomin – Part 5